Kamlesh Jain is one of the finest banking professional I have come across in my professional career. His knowledge of investment banking & global economics, passion for sharing his insights, and commitment to make better professional for tomorrow makes him most sought after professional.
Many of us see Kamlesh as the creator and facilitator of flagship training programs like Eye for Details, Mindfulness, O Great One........, but I found he is thousands of times more than what he has delivered till date, and behind all his work persona, I see a genuine, empathetic and caring human being who wants to make difference in this world.
Ravi Kingrani -Â Head Capability Development - Lead for GBMC @ HSBC

I love the fact that Kamlesh calls himself an " Attention Maverick", I would also go a step further to call him an " Attention Evangelist".
I have been through his Eye for Detail workshop not once but twice in quick succession and both times I have come out feeling rejuvenated and with greater awareness about self and the way I (and people around me) work. Given the inflationary currency of time, the multiple distractions and for someone like me who wants to get a lot more out of my day, being mindful is the key to success. Also the key to being relaxed and happy. You end each day feeling you have achieved so much more.
His sessions are fun, he manages to drive the point across without being preachy, the worksheets/exercises are engaging and Kamlesh's passion is infectious. I am already seeing changes in my own efficiency as well as that of some of the other members of the team. Like Kamlesh says we need to drive it till it becomes the organisation's culture.
I think the workshop is a life changer. Over the years I have learnt to live in the present and now I think I am making the most of the moment. I would recommend it to all.
Susmita Misra - Founder CEO

I've attended a workshop on Mindfulness, conducted by Mr. Kamlesh at my workplace and I have to say that it was brilliant and has impacted my thinking process in a great way! His way of training was really conducive and had a lot of exercises and interesting videos! Not a single moment of his training felt monotonous and he made it nice and humourous with his charismatic behaviour. If you are someone who is "always ON" and are always full of worries and anxieties I strongly recommend a session of his on Mindfulness. It really helps!
Nirmal Prasad -Â Design Manager at Arrow, AFL

The PACT session was very informative and insightful. What I liked the most was the step by step approach taken up by trainer (Kamlesh Jain), where he first explained the whole process of attention and concentration with live examples and then provided the demonstration of how to implement the whole process.
The training material that was provided was also very interesting and had several exercise provided to assess the current ability of Attention & Concentration of a person. I would like to thank L&D team for arranging this training session and would recommend this training for my colleagues as well.